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Simplifying Sourdough
Welcome to Simplifying Sourdough
Welcome and introduction (1:05)
My sourdough story (7:26)
What to expect from this course (1:16)
Syllabus and course outline (4:16)
Quiz 1
Learn the Basics
Learn the basics
Understanding gluten (8:34)
Explaining bakers percentage (6:30)
Explaining desired dough temperatures (7:06)
Bread timelines - Recipes, checklist and log book (1:15)
Quiz 2
Sourdough Baking Equipment
The essentials (7:59)
Extra tools (10:40)
Pro List (5:38)
Quiz 3
Understanding ingredients
Understanding Ingredients
Importance of ingredients (4:17)
Intro to flour (3:59)
Explaining the grain and whole grain flours
Fresh milling in your home kitchen (6:24)
Using ancient grains (5:58)
Quiz 4
The Process of Sourdough
The process of sourdough
Introducing the sourdough starter (2:12)
How to create a sourdough starter (18:14)
How to maintain your sourdough starter
Storing your starter (3:45)
What is a levain? (1:36)
Understanding different inoculations and sourdough builds (16:46)
What is sourdough discard (2:38)
Assignment 1
Quiz 5
Beginner Sourdough Recipe - Tutorial and Guide
Beginners Sourdough Recipe
Time to bake (1:03)
Beginner sourdough formula and ingredients (2:04)
The importance of scaling (6:03)
Building the levain
Autolyse - What is it and how to use it (6:14)
Mixing your dough (9:08)
Bulk fermentation (4:44)
Stretch and folds and coil folds explained (8:49)
Pre-shaping (6:31)
Bench rest (2:31)
Shaping boule (3:24)
Shaping batard (4:15)
Ambient and cold final fermentation (2:38)
Quiz 6
My Oven setup (2:47)
Scoring a batard (4:58)
Scoring a boule (2:31)
Venting Steam (1:03)
Assessing doneness (3:57)
Assignment 2
Quiz 7
Tasting and Storing
Tasting and Storing
How to taste sourdough (4:31)
Storing fresh sourdough (5:01)
Freezing sourdough (4:46)
Quiz 8
Student Survey and Thank You!
Student Survey
Thank You! (1:13)
Online resources
Bonus Content
Bloopers (2:02)
Sourdough Dough Calculator (5:03)
Stenciling sourdough (2:53)
My sourdough story
Module 1 - Timeline Sourdough Story.pdf
Module 1 - Timeline Sourdough Story.pdf
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